
The municipality of Rotterdam sought ideas to increase foot traffic at Roel Langerakpark, located in an unpopular area of the city. They initiated a project in collaboration with The Hague University of Applied Sciences to address the issue. I worked on this project as part of a group of five.


My specific responsibilities were to conduct field research to understand the current usage and potential of Roel Langerakpark, comparing it with more successful parks in the area. Additionally, I was tasked with designing and prototyping a mobile app that integrates an AR experience to enhance visitor engagement. I also served as the Scrum Master for the group, ensuring effective collaboration and project management.


To accomplish this, I first learned how to create an AR experience using the JavaScript framework A-frame. I then purchased a 3D model and animated it using Mixamo and Blender. Through an iterative process involving the project owner and the rest of the team, I designed the mobile app using Figma, adding interactivity and seamlessly integrating the AR experience within Protopie. Following this, I constructed a physical prototype to better visualize the complete concept, which included outdoor gym equipment.


The project was completed a week ahead of schedule and presented at an expo event, where it received praise from many designers for the quality of the prototype. The physical model is now displayed by the university to demonstrate to new students that UX is not just about digital experiences. Additionally, the digital prototype is showcased on the Protopie website. The project owner was highly impressed with the quality of work delivered.

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An AR experience designed to encourage children to exercise outdoors and engage with Roel Langerakpark in Rotterdam.
