
The Beaanskracht Foundation aims to improve the quality of life for vulnerable individuals, including those with psychological, physical, intellectual, or social disabilities. After successfully implementing solutions to assist people with mental disorders such as schizophrenia, they contacted me to design an experience to help individuals with agoraphobia


My task was to design a mobile app for Android devices and smartwatches aimed at improving the well-being of people affected by agoraphobia.


I began by empathizing with the target group through extensive secondary research from relevant sources, followed by interviews with members of the target group provided by the client. After analyzing the gathered data, I presented my findings to the stakeholders. Inspired by a participant's quote, "Reclaim the territory of your life," I conceptualized a gamified experience where users gradually conquer the outdoor areas they fear. This approach, based on cognitive behavioral therapy protocols with a focus on exposure therapy, aims to help users regain their well-being. Throughout the design process, I kept the client updated and involved through in-person meetings where I presented the latest designs and interactive prototypes. This iterative process included feedback from stakeholders and target group members who assisted during both the research and testing phases.


My contribution concluded with a satisfied client who was particularly pleased with the quality of work and the fidelity of the interactive prototype. The next phase of the project involves actual software development and deployment.

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A gamified experience designed to help people cope with agoraphobia.
